dear reader,
welcome to this space, where stories aren't wrapped up neatly in red ribboned bows of happy endings. instead, it's an anthology of catharsis for those navigating the turbulent waters of break-ups with partners, friends, or, the ever elusive situationships. no contact is challenging, be it in platonic, familial, spiritual, or romantic relationships. this is a place for abreaction, for self-reparation, and for rediscovering the love reflected in the mirror. it's the beautifully human experience, complete with messy emotions and vulnerability.
above all, this is a reclamation of my words and my love, taken back from someone who once made me feel special only to later suggest i was too much. i've learned i was never too much, and dear reader, neither are you. expect typos, errors, and imperfections, just as life itself embodies them. i hope these words resonate with you as powerfully as they did with me.
the collection of essays, poems, and letters contained here is the product of countless hours, tears, and immeasurable grief. some may call it "too much" or "too extra," but perhaps it's precisely enough.
healing is not a linear journey, and after the publication of these entries, i will continue to have good and bad days, as we all do. it's essential to clarify that this publication is not meant to hurt or attack anyone who may read it (you'll know if you are among them). writing this has been no easy feat, but it's my way of honoring the versions of myself that felt unheard, unloved, and unwanted because of my "muchness" or "verbosity." i make no apologies for choosing to heal the parts someone else broke.
as the classic song by abba goes, "breaking up is never easy, i know, but i have to go."
you, dear reader, can do hard things, live authentically, and resist anyone who tries to dilute your essence. and always remember: be good, be gentle.
and, if you feel so inclined, please share this space with a few friends.
with boundless love, magic, and gratitude,